Entries by desert

Proyecto de restauración post-incendio

Firma con el Ayuntamiento de Pego La noche del 13 de agosto fue detectado, por el observatorio forestal de Miserat, el incendio que se propagó en las comarcas de La Marina Alta y El Comtat, viéndose afectadas, aproximadamente, 12.150 hectáreas repartidas entre 14 términos municipales, 3 tipos de espacios protegidos, y 16 Montes de Utilidad […]

The impact of adaptive forest management on water fluxes and growth dynamics in a water-limited low-biomass oak coppice

Del Campo, A.D., González-Sanchis, M., Garcia-Prats, A., Ceacero, C.J., Lull, C. 2019. The impact of adaptive forest management on water fluxes and growth dynamics in a water-limited low-biomass oak coppice. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 264: 266–282. Marginal semi-arid forests in areas currently affected by climate change are a challenge to forest management, which has to […]

SilvAdapt.Net: A Site-Based Network of Adaptive Forest Management Related to Climate Change in Spain

Molina, A.J.; Navarro-Cerrillo, R.M.; Pérez-Romero, J.; Alejano, R.; Bellot, J.F.; Blanco, J.A.; Camarero, J.J.; Carrara, A.; Castillo, V.M.; Cervera, T.; González-Sanchis, M.; Hernández, A.; Imbert, J.B.; Jiménez, M.N.; Llorens, P.; Lucas-Borja, M.E.; Moreno, G.; Moreno-de las Heras, M.; Navarro, F. B.; Palacios, G.; Palero, N.; Ripoll, M.A.; Regüés, D.; Ruíz-Gómez, F.J.; Vilagrosa, A.; del Campo, […]

Thinning decreased soil respiration differently in two dryland Mediterranean forests with contrasted soil temperature and humidity regimes

Bautista, I., Lidón, A., Lull, C., González-Sanchis, M., del Campo, A.D., 2021. Thinning decreased soil respiration differently in two dryland Mediterranean forests with contrasted soil temperature and humidity regimes. European Journal of Forest Research, 140, 1469–1485. The effects of a thinning treatment on soil respiration (Rs) were analysed in two dryland forest types with a […]

Assessing reforestation failure at the project scale: The margin for technical improvement under harsh conditions. A case study in a Mediterranean Dryland

Del Campo, A.D., Segura-Orenga, G., Bautista, I., Ceacero, C.J. González-Sanchis, M., Molina, A.J., Hermoso, J., 2021. Assessing reforestation failure at the project scale: The margin for technical improvement under harsh conditions. A case study in a Mediterranean Dryland. Science of The Total Environment, 796, 148952. Poor reforestation outcomes imply failure to fulfill program goals and […]

Long-Term Carbon Sequestration in Pine Forests under Different Silvicultural and Climatic Regimes in Spain

Navarro-Cerrillo, Rafael M., Francisco J. Ruiz-Gómez, Jesús J. Camarero, Víctor Castillo, Gonzalo G. Barberá, Guillermo Palacios-Rodríguez, Francisco B. Navarro, Juan A. Blanco, Juan B. Imbert, Antonio M. Cachinero-Vivar, Antonio J. Molina, and Antonio D. del Campo. 2022. “Long-Term Carbon Sequestration in Pine Forests under Different Silvicultural and Climatic Regimes in Spain” Forests 13, no. 3: […]


Spanish network of Adaptive silviculture to climate change. 2019-2021. Redes de Investigación 2018, Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. 19,000 €. Antonio del Campo (coordinator). SilvAdapt.net is a coordinated research infrastructure in Spain that promotes effective Adaptive Forest Management (AFM) strategies. Its main objective is to integrate different active experimental sites in Spain where […]

Incorporation of eco-hydrological criteria and resilience against climatic and fire disturbances in forest planning and management in Mediterranean basins

CEHYRFO-MED. 2018-2020. Submitted in 2017. Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Total budget: 108,000 €. Antonio del Campo (principal investigator). The main research question is: how do representative forest structures in Mediterranean watersheds perform in terms of their eco-hydrology, their resilience to climatic and fire disturbances, as well as their biomass producing capacity, with and […]

Coupling water, fire and climate resilience with biomass production in Forestry to adapt watersheds to climate change

LIFE RESILIENT FORESTS. 2018-2022. Submitted in 2017. European Union. LIFE Program. Total project budget: 2,013,973 € (EU contribution: 1,192,420 €). Antonio del Campo (coordinator) and María González (Project manager). The project is focused on improving the resilience of forests to climate change, wildfire, environmental degradation and other climate-induced disturbances, by finding the best forest management […]