Wim Cambien

Wim Cambien

Agricultural Engineer

Wim Cambien is Agricultural Engineer at the University of Leuven in Belgium, with additional masters in Energy Management at the Universidad Politécnica of Valencia and Business Administration at IESE in Madrid.
Wim has devoted most of his professional career to renewable energies and the energy transition, and has been active in nature conservation at local level since his youth.

Marta Pérez Órtola

Marta Pérez Órtola

Agricultural Engineer

Marta is an Agricultural Engineer by the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, holds an MSc on Water Management and an MPhil on precision irrigation by Cranfield University. She has broad experience working as a researcher, in a trade association and a large corporation; across the water and agriculture industries; in the UK, Spain and Chile. Her main drives are ensuring sustainable food production in a changing climate, minimizing environmental footprints and enhancing the environment.

Pilar Valbuena Pérez

Pilar Valbuena Pérez

Forestry Engineer

Pilar is a forestry engineer with more than 20 years of experience, specialising in the last fifteen years in knowledge management and communication. She works as an international forestry communications consultant for entities such as FAO, CIFOR, GIZ, IUCN, UNDP, INIA, iuFOR, among others. Pilar supports partners in the development, training and implementation of communication strategies. She participated in the development of Model Forests in the Mediterranean region and evaluated forestry initiatives in Europe and North Africa.

Roberto Ballester

Roberto Ballester

Founding Partner of Felidarity

Roberto Ballester is Founding Partner of Felidarity, a company (Certified B Corp) from which business consulting projects are carried out in the field of business ethics and sustainability. He has a degree in Philosophy and for more than 20 years he has been professionally linked to the management of non-profit organizations.He is professor of business ethics, social responsibility and leadership and management of non-profit organizations in different Universities and Business Schools. Since 2014he has been Chair of Fairtrade Ibérica (Spain and Portugal), an international fair trade label.

Laura Fernández Lord

Laura Fernández Lord


Laura Fernández holds an MA in Economics and an MA in International Relations from the School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University. She currently holds the position of Director of Sustainability, Equity and Inclusion at the BBVA Microfinance Foundation. Before joining the Foundation, she has developed her professional career in the development cooperation sector, working for 10 years in different entities such as the Lealtad Foundation, the FAO, the Inter-American Development Bank, the AECID and the Complutense Institute of International Relations. Before taking up her position, she worked for 7 years in the Human Resources area of the BBVAMF. She has participated in the main international women’s forums: United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, OECD, SEGIB, Eurolat Parliamentary Forum,...

Jorge Castañer Pla

Jorge Castañer Pla

Forestry Engineer

Jorge Castañer holds a degree in Forestry Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid and a double master’s degree in sustainable forest management in Denmark and Germany (Universities of Copenhagen and Göttingen). He is currently working as project coordinator of Nature Based Solutions in Africa for South Pole. He is specialised in sustainable forest management, climate change mitigation and adaptation projects, reforestation and agroforestry projects. He has worked on forest and natural resource management plans, research projects, carbon markets, and sustainable value chains.

Erika Böhm Silveti

Erika Böhm Silveti

Agricultural Engineer

Erika is an Agricultural Engineer, expert in precision agriculture and digital transformation 4.0 (Agro). She has specialisations in Organic Agriculture and Soil Biology and a master’s degree in Marketing Management, Quality, Environment and PRL.
He has experience in Spain and internationally, working in multidisciplinary teams leading and advising public and private projects with criteria of sustainability and competitiveness. He combines his professional work with sporadic non-profit activities in organisations with projects in reforestation and social canteens.

José Mainez Bosch

José Mainez Bosch

Industrial Engineer

José works as a professional consultant improving the efficiency of systems. He enjoys contact with nature as a personal experience and as a source of inspiration for further development. Recently he has maintained a focus on the positive effects of sport and contact with nature on individual and collective mental health. He considers team play, understood as a collective experience to achieve shared goals, the most effective and satisfying way to establish professional collaborations.
