LIFE RESILIENT FORESTS. 2018-2022. Submitted in 2017. European Union. LIFE Program. Total project budget: 2,013,973 € (EU contribution: 1,192,420 €). Antonio del Campo (coordinator) and María González (Project manager). The project is focused on improving the resilience of forests to climate change, wildfire, environmental degradation and other climate-induced disturbances, by finding the best forest management strategy. This strategy is chosen by considering not only the ecological needs of the forest, but also the economic and social situation of the rural areas nearby. To that end, the project is developing a many-criteria DSS that helps forests owners to apply the optimum forest management by combining eco-hydrological modeling, forest fire risk and behavior modeling, remote sensing information and hydro-economic modeling. Since the project works at European level, it analyses a wide variety of forests, climates and social-economic realities, which makes the DSS tool very flexible and robust in order to adapt to the particular needs of each region. Experimental field data of at least 3 different regions of Europe are used to develop and test the DSS tool. More info
Desert Leaves, es una organización no gubernamental que apoya iniciativas que persiguen el crecimiento de bosques sostenibles en las ''drylands''
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